Land & Water Conservation Fund Evaluation Committee: October 1, 2024 Presentations Schedule
The congressional intent of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) is to acquire, develop, and maintain outstanding property into perpetuity for outdoor recreation purposes. It is important that quality recreation facilities are developed for the people in our community and our state for future generations.
With the passage of the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1964 (Public Law 88-578; 78 Stat. 897) funds were made available to the states for the “planning, acquisition and development of needed land and water areas and facilities.” This law requires each state to prepare an acceptable comprehensive outdoor recreation plan before acquisition and development projects are considered.
Idaho’s plan is the “Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan” (SCORP). There are several steps in applying for LWCF money. The project proposal is used to determine a project’s eligibility.
IDPR staff checks proposals against SCORP priorities for eligibility. In addition, it will allow IDPR the opportunity to provide you technical assistance in submitting an application.
Eligible projects are then presented to the LWCF Advisory Committee. Sponsors are asked to give an oral presentation on their project. The advisory committee rates and ranks the projects in priority order for recommendation to the Idaho Park and Recreation Board.
If your project is recommended for approval by the board, IDPR will request an application. You must be prepared to make a financial investment to properly submit an application. The application requires complete information such as specific site plans, and drawings, cost estimates, title information, appraisals, and an environmental assessment. Depending on your resources and the type and size of the project, this may require that you employ architects, engineers, surveyors, attorneys, and appraisers. In addition, all costs to qualify a project must be assumed by the applicant. These may include a state appraisal review or engineering review. Some of these costs may be reimbursed if the project is approved. Information on reimbursement is provided in the program rules.
Additional information about the Land & Water Conservation Fund, including a list of dates, deadlines, Advisory Committee Members and program rules is available by downloading the Grant Manual from the main Grants and Funding page.