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The Idaho Motorized Trails Program

Download the “OHVs in Idaho” Booklet

The Motorized Trails Program was created in 1970 to ensure quality motorized recreational opportunities remain available by providing for maintenance, education, and enforcement partnerships.

The Motorized Trails Program mission is to provide leadership statewide in the area of OHV recreation; to work with land managers to provide maintenance on designated trails, develop new opportunities, provide safety and education classes, and provide comment on all motorized travel planning within Idaho through the use of designated funding.

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The Motorized Trails Program’s summer activities consist of the following:

  • Working with land managers to provide maintenance on designated OHV trails through the Trail Ranger and Trail Cat programs
  • Providing OHV education opportunities
  • Partnering with OHV law enforcement programs
  • Participating in statewide travel planning
  • Working with OHV clubs and organizations to fulfill OHV trails maintenance contracts

Nonresident Certificate of Number

As established by House Bill 75, On January 1, 2020, before operating an OHV within Idaho, any nonresident owner of a noncommercial off-highway vehicle shall be required to obtain a nonresident OHV user certificate sticker, for an annual fee of twelve dollars ($12.00). The validation sticker shall be displayed in the same manner as provided in section 67-7122, Idaho Code. Nonresident OHV user certificates shall be valid January 1 through December 31. 

Go to Where to Buy OHV Stickers or call 1-888-922-6743 to find a sticker vendor near you.

Motorized Trails Program Funding

  • OHV Certificate of number fees
  • OHV percentage of State gas tax
  • Federal Recreation Trails gas tax fees

Trail Ranger Program

Idaho has one of the largest trail systems in the United States. Keeping trails accessible to users is the number one priority of the Trail Ranger program. Their goal is to open the most miles of trail in a season while at the same time improving the trail system so all users can enjoy Idaho’s trails. The motorized trail program works with land managers annually to obtain a list of trails that are in need of light maintenance.

Trail Cat Program

The Trail Cat program performs heavy maintenance on OHV trails. This program builds new OHV trail when needed but spends the majority of time rebuilding ATV or single-track trails that need maintenance. The motorized trail program works with land managers annually to obtain a list of trails that are in need of light maintenance.

Making more miles of trail available to trail users disperses use and reduces environmental impacts and user conflict.

Trail Ranger and Trail Cat reports are conveniently available on the Idaho ATV/Motorbike Program Facebook page. Be sure to “Like” the Program to receive regular reports and event-related information.

Education Program

The OHV Education Program provides classes that are offered throughout the state for anyone who will be operating an OHV including an all-terrain vehicle (ATV), motorbike, or utility type vehicles (UTV). The course includes training on safety and ethical use of OHVs.

Lands Analyst

The Lands Analyst works diligently to meet the department’s strategic plan of: “No net loss of motorized or non-motorized access to recreational trails.” This is pursued by analyzing federal land management actions which impact recreation opportunities, then providing official comment to those agencies to suggest improvements or mitigation to protect access opportunities. These actions may include travel management plans and watershed improvement projects among other initiatives to protect and enhance recreational access to public lands.

Learn about some of the access management changes over time that have impacted Idaho citizens’ ability to enjoy public lands, at this Story Map.  

Riding in Idaho

The Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation wants to make sure you are prepared, educated and legal before you take to the trail on your off-highway vehicle (OHV). Be sure to stay on trails when you venture out on your OHV.

To find OHV trail maps across the state visit the Idaho Trails App.

Anyone who will operate an OHV should complete a free IDPR Responsible Riders education course to acquire your OHV Safety Education Certificate.

Learn more about OHV laws, Idaho rules and guidelines, safety, trip planning and much more from our free brochure, Off-Highway Vehicles in Idaho.

Planning for the Future

NOHVCC partnered with the Bureau of Land Management in 2022 to create the Idaho Statewide Motorized Recreation Action Plan with recommendations on how to sustain and create more OHV recreational opportunities for the growing number of citizens who wish to recreate by OHV on Idaho’s public lands.  

Visit these Idaho state parks for exceptional ATV/Motorbike opportunities:

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