Idaho has one of the largest systems of single-track trails in the United States. Keeping those seemingly endless miles of trails accessible to users is a task coordinated by the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation (IDPR) Trail Ranger Program. Funded by Idaho OHV users’ certificate of number fees, the number one goal of the IDPR Trail Ranger Program is to open the most miles of trail in a season while at the same time improving the trail system so all users can enjoy Idaho’s trails. By making more miles of trail available to trail users, users are dispersed, environmental impacts are minimized and user conflict is reduced.
Every spring other management agencies around the state participate in the program. Participating agencies provide temporary housing for trail rangers as close as possible to the trail system. Housing is usually rustic — such as a Forest Service guard station; but includes a sheltered sleeping area, cooking facilities, a clean drinkable source of water, showers, and refrigeration for food. The Trail Ranger Program makes more miles of trail useable earlier in the year by removing downfall, turning out water and removing other debris from the trail.
The Trail Cat Program builds or rebuilds ATV and single track trails. A mini dozer takes care of the work for the ATV trails and can build about one mile of ATV trail a day, depending upon the terrain. A mini-excavator can build about 1/4 mile of single track trail a day in various terrain.