Wolves in Yellowstone – Winchester and Wolf Education Center
Winchester Lake State Park is partnering up with the Wolf Education and Research Center (WERC) for a series of wildlife education events at the park all summer long!
Join us July 22 at 8:30 PM for The Legend Returns: Wolves in Yellowstone
Background on the programs:
WERC’s short-term plans are to fund and build four mobile classrooms called the Passport to Wildlife Mobile Classroom. The objective is simple. WERC aims to travel to areas of educational opportunity and to places where humans and wildlife are in conflict to provide programs, answers, films, discussions, and even debates to best inform the public. Areas like Winchester Lake State Park!
What is the P2W Mobile Classroom?
P2W Mobile is more than a classroom. It is also a theater for showing our films. It is a mobile production studio for making more films. It is a marketing opportunity to bring attention to our ongoing outreach. And most importantly — it is an icon of inspiration to the next generation of wildlife enthusiasts and stewards.