Anti-Quagga Mussel Treatment Begins Oct. 8 on Snake River Near Twin Falls; No State Parks Directly Impacted. See for Details
Official Government Website

The Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation (IDPR) hosted three (3) summits to discuss issues and solutions pertaining to non-motorized trail recreation in Idaho. The discussions were held in Boise, Coeur d’Alene and Idaho Falls. Below are the meeting handouts and minutes from each location. The open discussions explored all topics pertaining to non-motorized trail recreation in Idaho and ideas for solving the non-motorized trail funding gap.

Boise – February 11, 2016

Coeur d’Alene – April 21, 2016

Idaho Falls – May 2, 2016

Boise, January 11, 2017

A meeting was held January 11, 2017 to share results of the 2016 summits and to organize a leadership team, willing to take suggestions and strategies through the next very important steps. Download the meeting materials.

Summit Attendees

A complete list of summit attendees is available for download here.

Next Steps – Use collective report and results from statewide summits to answer the following:

  1. Is there a need to address non-motorized trail maintenance in Idaho? 
  2. Is there enough support statewide to address non-motorized trail maintenance and related funding in Idaho? 
  3. Who will work together to address the need?
  4. What does addressing the need look like?
  5. What are the necessary actions / future next steps?

Want to take a leadership role? Have questions?

If you have questions, would like to lead in next steps, or were unable to attend a summit in your area, you can share your thoughts and ideas via email:

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