Idaho Parks and Recreation Has Another Large Grant Year
Thursday July 8, 2021Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation (IDPR) has yet another incredible grant year, issuing over $10 million in grants for fiscal year 2022. IDPR has helped fund thousands of projects over the last 35 years, surpassing tens of millions of dollars.
Some notable projects for FY22 include:
- Paving a portion of Bone Road in Bonneville County. Total award: $90,000
- Replacing four motorized access bridges on the Minidoka Trail. Three of the four bridges were destroyed in the 2020 Badger Fire. Total award: $122,445
- Box Canyon Boat Launch Vault Toilet installation. Total award: $19,750
- Riggins Park Boat Ramp replacement. This is phase 2 of the project, which includes the installation of a retaining wall, a concrete ramp, and a steel staircase. Total award: $297,000
- Sandpoint Memorial Field Boat Launch improvements. This is also a phase 2 project that will also help protect the new docks from wakes, which can cause damage. Total award: $275,463
For more information about IDPR’s Grant Program, visit: