Official Government Website

Idaho Trails App – Help and Tutorials

Help & Tutorials

Learn how to use features of the Idaho Trails Mapping Application.

When procedures vary, tutorials are provided for both the current and Legacy (2023) versions of the App. Both versions will be available during a transition period until the Legacy app is retired.

Legacy App (2023)

Report any issues with the map or app here. Please include details about the device or PC type, browser used, screenshots of screen messages and geocoordinates and narrative when reporting a map error. 

A known issue with zoomed-in map visibility unique to some Android phones is under investigation by the software provider. Feedback will help the provider understand which versions of Android are affected. Follow this test link on your phone (limited layers activated) and let us know through the Feedback app whether trails render correctly down to maximum zoom-in versus this sample view (zoomed to two miles, all default layers active).  

ver: 3.5.2 | last updated: