1st Annual Pocatello OHV Safety Fair
Get your Idaho off-highway vehicle education card at the 1st Annual Pocatello OHV Safety Fair!
There will be ATV and Motorbike classes throughout the day (schedule listed below). Participants need to register prior to the event at reced.idaho.gov.
Meet at the IDPR Trailer in the dirt lot next to the Maverick gas station at 3434 S. 5th Avenue in Pocatello, Idaho.
What to bring:
– a parent or legal guardian
– properly sized and operational OHV with 2021 registration sticker
– DOT approved helmet, eye protection, gloves, long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and over the ankle boots are ideal
Questions? Call Travis 208-339-3875 or Matt 208-390-9024
These classes meet the IC 49-302(11)a OHV education requirements for operators under the age of 16.
ITDA (Transportation Dept) will also be at the event with their scales if you would like to weigh your campers or toy haulers. A specialist from the Idaho State Police Commercial Vehicle Safety will be talking about how to properly load trailers and weight distribution as well.
Multiple groups will be on scene to answer questions and discuss recreation safety and other safety concerns.
– ATV Class: 9:00 AM
– Dirt Bike Class: 9:00 AM
– ATV Cass: 12:00 PM
– Dirt Bike Class: 12:00 PM